From an attendee perspective, there was an incredible mix of musicians, gadgeteers and executives who were willing to share their thoughts and opinions on creativity. Below are a selection of interesting ideas that popped up through-out the day; if you’d like more examples then I’d recommend reading Adrien Sala’s event articles.

‘Creatives have a tendency to keep their ideas secret; however creative ideas that aren't shared will tend to die in isolation. In order to increase the likelihood of an idea coming to fruition, creatives should be encouraged to be more transparent with their ideas; to share them with the community. Sharing ideas makes you more accountable for their realization.’
David Neale, Vice-President of Special Projects for Research In Motion
‘It’s too easy to wake up each morning and step back into your comfortable slippers. If you really want to develop, innovate and create, then you’ve got to get rid of those comfortable slippers all together.’Richard Gottehrer, CEO and Founder of The Orchard
‘Through all the integration of technology into our lives, generations coming up are going to be less primordially instinctive… Since everything will be immediately available to us through digital delivery, we are going to lose our connection in physical ways that aren’t yet realized.’
From an experience design perspective, what I found engaging was the process of ‘visual illustration’ that occurred through-out the conference (like the RSA Animate talks on YouTube). By the end of the day, through the process of discussion and debate, the space became a visual synopsis of conversation – an illustration of ideas.

Big thanks to Tyl Van Toorn and his team for putting together an incredible conference. If you have the chance to attend one of their syndicated events in Asia, Europe or South America, I would highly recommend you take the opportunity.
transmission: GLOBAL SUMMIT 2011 from transmitNOW on Vimeo.